We launched a grant scheme to support Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) history in 2019. The joint scheme is run in partnership with other journals and scholarly societies. In the past three years, the scheme has grown to include the Economic History Society, History UK, History of Education Society (UK), History Workshop Journal, Royal Historical Society, Society for the Study of Labour History and Women’s History Network.
Since its launch, the scheme has grown in strength, funding projects ranging from film screenings to an undergraduate conference. In 2020, the scheme was expanded to cover directly incurred research costs in recognition of the difficulties posed by COVID-19.
The 2021 funding round is now open, with grants of up to £1,000 available for eligible projects. The deadline for applications is 12 November 2021.
Full details are available: https://socialhistory.org.uk/funding/bme-events-and-activities/
The Social History Society continues to encourage other scholarly societies to join the scheme. Please contact our Honorary Secretary, Dr Georgina Brewis (g.brewis@ucl.ac.uk), if you would like to find out more.