Our annual conference is organised around eight thematic strands. Each strand has its own identity, reflecting the variety of approaches taken by our membership.
The strands are overseen by strand convenors, who play a crucial role in developing each strand. They are responsible for reviewing abstracts, programming and shaping the scope of each strand. These are hugely important roles and convenors are a valued part of our society.
As we look forward to 2023, we want to hear from anyone who is interested in putting themselves forward as a strand convenor. We are keen to ensure that these is a balance within strands (in terms of research interests, but also in terms of career stage and type of work) and to encourage more convenors from under-represented groups.
This is a voluntary opportunity that has the potential to shape the Social History Society for years to come.
Update January 2023: We have now filled most strand convenor spaces. Please look out for further opportunities to get involved in the SHS. We advertise strand convenor and committee vacancies annually.
If you are interested in becoming a convenor, or would simply like to find out more, please get in touch via socialhistorysoc@gmail.com