The Social History Society is a democratic association. SHS members elect which amongst them should serve as Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer and as ordinary members of the executive committee. That committee appoints the honorary president and vice-presidents as well as a number of other roles.
If you are interested in standing for the committee or one of the officer roles, please see our constitution and contact our Administrative Secretary at


Honorary President


Founding President

Honorary Vice-President

Honorary Vice-President

Honorary Vice-President

Honorary Vice-President

Honorary Secretary

Communications Officer


EDI Officer

Administrative Secretary

Outgoing Administrative Secretary

Committee Member, 2022-25

Committee Member, 2021-24

Former Chair

Committee Member, 2023-2026

Committee Member, 2023-2026

Committee Member, 2022-25

Committee Member, 2021-24

Committee Member, 2021-24

Committee Member, 2023-2026

Representative to Economic History Society

Committee Member, 2020-2023

Economic History Society Representative

PG Representative, 2023-2025

CaSH Representative

Committee Member

Committee Member

Committee Member