Social History Society 2025 Conference – CfP Deadline Extended!

We are extending our deadline for our call for papers for the Social History Society’s 2025 Conference! We are now taking proposals for papers and panels up until the 24 January (rather than the 17 January). This conference will take place from the 7-9 July 2025 at the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley. For … Continued

Conference Booking Now Open

We are now accepting bookings for our annual conference at Durham University, Monday 8 to Wednesday 10 July 2024. If you submitted an abstract to present a paper, you will be written to shortly with the outcome. The conference is open to all members of the Social History Society, whether speaking or not. We encourage … Continued

Call for Papers

Our conference is the largest gathering of social and cultural historians in the UK. For almost fifty years, our members have transformed historical research by exploring the ways our social worlds are made, imagined, shared and shattered. Our next annual conference will take place at Durham University, 8-10 July 2024. We warmly welcome proposals for individual … Continued

Essex 2023

We are excited to share the details of our next conference, which will be held at the University of Essex, 5-7 July 2023! We are currently accepting paper submissions relating to our revised strands. The Call for Papers has been extended to 20 January 2023 and full details are available on the conference page. We … Continued

Could you be a Strand Convenor?

Our annual conference is organised around eight thematic strands. Each strand has its own identity, reflecting the variety of approaches taken by our membership. The strands are overseen by strand convenors, who play a crucial role in developing each strand. They are responsible for reviewing abstracts, programming and shaping the scope of each strand. These … Continued

Conference Recordings

We held our last annual conference online over two weeks in summer 2021. The conference centred on our eight thematic research strands, which range across time and space. It also featured a plenary panel on ‘Women and Work’ featuring contributions from Emma Griffin, Helen McCarthy and Jane Whittle. We recorded a selection of the presentations, … Continued

Call for Papers

After two years of successful online events, we are delighted to be returning to Lancaster University for our first in person conference since the start of the pandemic. The conference will take place from 6-8 July 2022. The conference will be shorter than in pre-pandemic times and we are encouraging participants to attend the whole … Continued

Membership Offer

To celebrate the start of our 45th annual conference, we are offering a 30% discount on membership. Just add the discount code SHSCONF2021 at checkout when you sign up. The code is valid until 17 July 2021. We rely on income from membership fees to fund our activities. From events and activities to bursaries and … Continued

Call for Papers

Our annual conference will be taking place online, over two weeks from 28 June-9 July 2021. The conference has been deliberately designed for online delivery. Instead of replicating a physical event via Zoom, we have spread the event over a longer time frame to allow speakers and audience to dip in and out without fear … Continued

Online Events in June 2020

The Social History Society will be hosting a series of online events at the end of June 2020 (dates TBC) to celebrate and enhance our community of scholarship. You can find out more on our Online Events page. We are currently looking for speakers to give ten minute video conference presentations on work in progress. … Continued