Conference Cancelled due to Covid-19

The Social History Society can now confirm that its annual conference has been cancelled due to the outbreak of coronavirus Covid-19. This follows our earlier decision to suspend bookings while the situation became clearer. We are are working closely with Lancaster University to reconvene there in 2021. We are also exploring various options for some … Continued

Bookings Suspended due to Covid-19

The Social History Society has been closely following updates from Public Health England and the World Health Organisation regarding the coronavirus Covid-19. We are also following advice from Lancaster University. In light of the university’s decision to suspend classroom teaching with immediate effect, we have suspended all conference bookings while we seek clarification about their … Continued

CfP Extended for UCU Strike

The Social History Society champions the pursuit of social and cultural history in research, teaching and dissemination. While our membership extends well beyond Higher Educational Institutions, many of our members are academic historians, early career researchers or doctoral students. A proportion of those who are also members of the University and College Union (UCU) are … Continued

SHS 2020 CfP Issued

The Social History Society has issued a call for papers for its 2020 annual conference. The society’s conference is the largest gathering of social and cultural historians in the UK and provides an invaluable opportunity to share research with members old and new. The society is delighted to be returning to Lancaster University, which was … Continued

Postgraduate Feedback Request!

Are you a postgraduate member of the Social History Society? Did you attend our annual conference at Lincoln in June 2019? If so, our Postgraduate Representatives want to hear from you! We are always looking for ways to improve what we do, and our PG Reps want to get as much feedback as possible. If … Continued

Postgraduate Poster Prize 2019

We are delighted to confirm that the 2019 Postgraduate Poster Prize has been won by Lizzie Evens for the poster ‘Policewomen, Plainclothes, and Pelvic Examinations: NYPD Abortion Investigations, 1913-26’. Lizzie is a first year PhD student at the Institute of the Americas, University College London, where her studies are kindly supported by the Wolfson Foundation. … Continued

Postgraduate Paper Prize 2019

We are delighted to confirm that the 2019 Postgraduate Paper Prize was won by Katrina-Louise Moseley. She is an AHRC-funded PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge with an interest in using ‘ordinary’ consuming practices to explore human relationships and emotions. Katrina’s prize-winning paper drew on a 1982 Mass Observation directive to explore the combination … Continued

Registration Open

Registration for the 2019 Social History Society conference is now open. The conference is being held at the University of Lincoln on the 10-12 June. You can find out more on our dedicated conference page: To register, select the appropriate options on the registration page: We are also proud to be offering ten conference bursaries … Continued

Olivette Otele Confirmed as Keynote Speaker

We are delighted to confirm that Professor Olivette Otele (Bath Spa University) will be the keynote speaker at the 2019 Social History Society conference. Our annual conference is the largest gathering of social and cultural historians in the UK.  Over the last four decades, it has provided a space for our members to explore the many ways in … Continued

Postgraduate Poster Prize 2018

We are delighted to announce that the 2018 Postgraduate Poster Prize has been won by Mads Linnet Perner for the poster ‘Segregated behind the walls: Residential patterns in pre-industrial Copenhagen, 1700-1850’. The prize was supported by Bloomsbury Publishing. Mads is a final year undergraduate at the University of Copenhagen and completed the research for this … Continued