Website submissions
Do you have some news, information or insights you’d like to see featured on the Social History Society website?
We have online forms set up for you to send us the following…
Send us a news item relating to all things social history. This might be news of a new publication, exhibition or project. It might be a call for participants or assistance with social history research.
Let us know about an upcoming event in the field of social or cultural history. These will be featured on our events page and when it’s one of the three closest upcoming events in our listings it will also be featured on our homepage. We will also include it in the bulletin emails we send out to our members.
Send us your call for papers for a social or cultural history seminar, conference or workshop. Like upcoming events, these will be featured on our events page, the homepage when the deadline is in the next three listed, and in the bulletin emails to our members.
We’d also be interested to hear from you if you would like to…
Contribute to the Social History Exchange by writing a piece for the Community Exchange, the Research Exchange, or the Learning & Teaching Exchange. In the first instance, you should email the editor of the appropriate Exchange blog to pitch your idea. If you have an idea that doesn’t quite fit, you should contact the Social History Exchange’s general editor, George Gosling. All the necessary details can be found here.
If you have other ideas of how you might contribute to this website, please contact the Society’s Administrative Secretary, Dr. Philip Booth, at: