Small Grants
The Social History Society maintains a Small Grants Fund to support research, events and activities by members of the Society.
We give priority to activities and research that would otherwise remain unfunded and that will lead to further dissemination. We are especially supportive of research or other activities that could lead to publication in Cultural and Social History or our book series, or provide sessions at our annual conference.
Grants can be used towards directly incurred research costs, for example costs of conference organising, consumables, travel and subsistence, equipment purchase, childcare, research assistance and similar immediate costs of conducting research.
The grant cannot be used to cover directly allocated costs, such as estates, salaried researchers’ time, facilities, or the use of existing equipment. The grant is also not able to pay or subsidise course fees.
The Society will make individual grants up to the amount of £1000. The application should clearly state for what the grant sought will be used. We reserve the right to offer a partial grant.
Whatever the sum granted, there must be acknowledgement of the Society’s support in any publicity, meeting materials or resulting publications. Any events held with support from the fund should be advertised on the Society’s website and, as far as is practicable, be open equally to all interested social historians.
The scheme is open to all UK-based historians. This includes professional historians in full-time or part time employment (whether working in universities or elsewhere such as museums, libraries and galleries), postgraduates and early career scholars, independent scholars, retired staff and students alike. Applicants should:
- Be engaged in the research or teaching of social or cultural history;
- Be a member of the SHS (or willing to become one);
- Be ordinarily resident in the UK.
Questions concerning the objectives and criteria of the fund should be directed to our Honorary Secretary, Jenni Hyde, at
There are two dates for submission annually: 1 March and 1 October. Applications will be assessed by a dedicated SHS committee and allocated according to available funds and merit. We aim to make decisions regarding funding within two calendar months so please ensure events for which applications are being sought are within 2-6 months after the submission date:
- Applications submitted by 1 March for events May-December.
- Applications submitted by 1 October for events December-April.
Any grant awarded must be spent within 6 months and the successful candidate should submit a brief report of the event no later than 3 months after the event has taken place. See the ‘terms of acceptance’ for more information about the report.
Read the full terms of acceptance
Click here to fill in the application form