The Social History Society Committee contains spaces for two postgraduate representatives. Each representative serves a two year term, and there is an election each year for a replacement.

2022-24: Louise Bell

Louise is a PhD candidate at the University of Leeds and is undertaking an AHRC funded Collaborative Doctoral Partnership with The National Archives. The project explores British state provision of prosthetic limbs in the two world wars, and builds on previous research undertaken during her MSc in Health History (at the University of Strathclyde) – which focussed on limbless men in the First World War and two of the hospitals set up to aid them.

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2022-25: Amy Stanning

Amy is an ESRC funded Postgraduate Research student at Lancaster University. She is in her second year (part-time) on her research project ‘Was there a Taxation Revolution in late Eighteenth Century Britain?’

Amy has returned to academia after a career in banking and finance, where she was an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers and an Affiliate of the Securities Institute.

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