Postgraduate Poster Prize
Our poster prize was awarded by an open ballot during the annual conference from 2015-19.
Posters provide an opportunity to share research findings in a creative way and provide opportunities for dialogue that are unavailable when presenting a formal paper.
Any poster by a postgraduate student is automatically entered for the prize.
Find out more about posters at the SHS conference
Past Winners
2019: Elizabeth Evens (University College London), Policewomen, Plainclothes, and Pelvic Examinations: NYPD Abortion Investigations, 1913-26. Find out more here.
2018: Mads Linnet Perner (Lancaster University/University of Copenhagen), Segregated behind the walls: Residential patterns in pre-industrial Copenhagen, 1700-1850. You can see the winning poster here. You can read his contribution to our Social History Exchange blog here.
2017: Justine Cousin (Paris Sorbonne University), Colonial seafarers on steamships: a transnational social life (1860-1960). You can see the winner poster here.
2016: Olivia Robinson (University of Oxford), Out of sight and over here: foreign female domestic servants in London 1880-1939. You can see the winning poster here.
2015: Jessica Douthwaite (University of Strathclyde), Versions of everyday survival in 1950s Britain: feeling fear without worrying. Jessica and her poster are pictured above, but you can see the poster close-up here.