Call for Strand Convenors!

Could you be a Strand Convenor?

The eight strands which make up the Social History Society conference are each managed by a small group of convenors. Each strand has its own identity, reflecting the variety of approaches taken by our membership.

A strand convenor’s role is voluntary and tenable for three years in the first instance, though convenors may serve successive terms should they be willing. Strand convenors may serve other roles within the society, but can only convene one strand at a time.

Being a strand convenor is a great opportunity to help shape the Social History Society, as well as gain experience with conference organisation, especially for PGRs and ECRs.

The deadline for our current call for convenors is 17 January 2025.

The strands are:

  • Bodies, Sex and Emotions
  • ‘Deviance’, Inclusion and Exclusion
  • Difference, Minoritization and ‘Othering’
  • Heritage, Environment, Spaces & Places
  • Inequalities, Activism and Social Justice
  • Life Cycles, Families and Communities
  • Politics, Policy and Citizenship
  • Work, Leisure and Consumption

Each group of convenors are expected to perform the following duties:

  • Conduct an annual review of strand descriptions in advance of the conference Call for Papers
  • Raise the profile of their strand in order to encourage the submission of conference paper proposals
  • Review paper proposals and devise the strand programme in line with instructions from the conference organisers. This includes the submission of a draft programme in a timely fashion and the provision of a reserve list alongside the preferred strand programme. All decisions should be based on the academic merits of each paper and its contribution to the strand’s objectives in accordance with the SHS’s aim ‘to promote the research, teaching and dissemination of social and cultural history’.
  • Engage in discussion with conference organisers regarding the allocation of ‘reserve’ speakers who may be worthy of consideration within the strand’s programme.
  • Respond promptly to the conference organiser and SHS administrator regarding withdrawn papers and their possible replacements – drawing upon reserve list.
  • Allocate chairs for each of the panels within the strand and communicate this within requested time frames to the conference organisers and SHS administrator.
  • Attend the conference, where possible. We encourage convenors to attend our annual conference and request that at least one strand convenor is present during their strand’s sessions. In the event that all convenors are unable to attend, we ask convenors to work with the conference organisers to identify a suitable individual to act in their stead. Repeated non-attendance may lead to a request to step down.
  • Recommend papers that could be worked-up into articles to Cultural and Social History journal editors.
  • Review the operation of the strand and submit a short annual report to the SHS executive committee.

It is expected that these responsibilities will be fulfilled in coordination with the other strand convenors in such a way as ensure that workload is divided evenly amongst strand convenors.

If you are interested in being a strand convenor, or would simply like to find out more, please get in touch via