Widening Histories

Leslie James, Queen Mary University of London leslie.james@qmul.ac.uk   By Leslie James, Arista Ajidele, Matheus Da Silva-Armson, Naimah Islam and Shi Jinh Yang In May 2024 the QMUL School of History, with assistance from the Social History Society BME Grant Scheme, ran our first intake of a new programme, ‘Widening Histories’. This programme includes a … Continued

The Social World of the School

Hester Barron, University of Sussex H.Barron@sussex.ac.uk Most of the writing for my new monograph, The Social World of the School: Education and Community in Interwar London, was done during the pandemic. The lockdowns were a strange time to be writing anything, but to be completing a book which reflected on the purpose of school felt … Continued

Post-Racial Myths and Public History

Joe Hopkinson, University of Huddersfield @JoeHopkinson89 Multiculturalism emerged in Britain during the late-1960s and early-1970s, with education becoming a key site of conflict. My PhD is about the experiences of Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) people in British schools during this period. The story is complex, but the main conclusion is that many were … Continued