Unopened Letters, and the Secrets Within

Ellen Smith, University of Leicester @EllenCSSmith We are pleased to share this blog by Ellen Smith, runner up in the 2020 SHS Postgraduate Prize. Several times during my research project, on family life in British India during the long nineteenth century, I have reflected on how privileged I am to read, almost daily, personal … Continued

Empires of the Mind

Robert Gildea is Professor of Modern History at Worcester College, University of Oxford. He is the author of numerous books on everyday life and resistance, collective memory and political culture in French history, including ‘Marianne in Chains: In Search of the German Occupation, 1940-45’ (Macmillan, 2002),  ‘Children of the Revolution: The French, 1799-1914’ (Allen Lane, 2008) and ‘Fighters in the Shadows: A New History of the French Resistance’ (Harvard University Press, 2015).

In his contribution to the Research Exchange, he reflects on how his new book, ‘Empires of the Mind: The Colonial Past and the Politics of the Present (Cambridge University Press, 2019)’, came to be compaison between the legacies and politics of the colonial past in France and Britain.