Remploy: 75 years of Remploy Factories

Andy Holroyde, University of Huddersfield

On 29th April 1946, the doors of the Remploy Factory in Bridgend, Wales opened to admit the company’s very first group of disabled workers. Conceived towards the end of the Second World War, Remploy was established by the British Government to provide sheltered employment – a term used to denote workplaces dedicated to employing disabled people in an environment ‘sheltered’ from the competitive pressures of the open employment market –  on a hitherto unheard-of scale. Prior to the War, such provision had been operated primarily by charitable groups, operating individual or small-scale networks of workshops. Remploy was created alongside other elements of the Welfare State such as the NHS as a pioneering attempt to provide a national scheme of sheltered employment, financial backed by the Treasury, and thereby positioned to provide meaningful and productive work for all those who wanted to work but were considered too ‘severely disabled’ to be able to gain and keep employment.

Inside the Bridgend Factory, n.d. (Remploy News)

With nothing like this having been attempted before, and with no clear plan in place to follow, it was up to the company itself to decide how best to provide useful employment for disabled people. It was decided that they should begin to open these factories in areas where there was known to be large numbers of potential employees. The first Factory in Bridgend was swiftly followed by one in Salford and a further one in Birmingham. Remploy ended 1946 with four factories in operation, employing 160 men and 4 women.

Further factories quickly followed as the company came under increasing pressure to open them across the country from Members of Parliament and the Press. By 1952 Remploy had more than 90 factories operating across the country. Rapid expansion was not an easy task however as there was often a shortage of work to be done. In the aftermath of the Second World War, materials, equipment, and large-scale production orders were in short supply. In order to reduce the amount of time employees spent waiting for something to do, factory managers would do their best to find work. This could be making furniture, clothes, boxes, wheelchairs, artificial limbs, souvenirs and toys. When orders were available the main production areas were wood-working, light engineering, bookbinding, cardboard box making, knitwear, surgical footwear and appliances, brush and broom making, leatherwork, and printing.

Violin production line at the Bridgend Factory, 1947 (Remploy News)

The Bridgend Factory became well known for making violins. Employees were taught how to make them by Mr Schlieps, an Estonian prisoner of war who had been brought to Britain from a refugee camp in Germany. The violins were made from pine wood taken from equipment used in the D-Day landings in Normandy. Lots of these violins were sold to school orchestras up and down the country.

With Britain still recovering from the Second World War, materials for building new factories were also scarce. As a result of this, and the pressure to quickly open factories, the majority of the early factories were set up in existing premises, many of which were less than ideal. Some of the premises suggested as places for Remploy to operate included skating rinks, empty cinemas, chapels and derelict buildings. The Bridgend factory itself was a former Royal Ordnance Factory which had been used for shell filling. The premises the Remploy Board wanted were purpose built to their own specification by the Ministry of Works. These were all on a single floor, were well heated, and included canteens and kitchens.

As well as providing work, many factories had a lively social scene with clubs, dances, parties, and organised trips to the seaside. Sports and games were also an important feature, with a wide variety of sporting clubs established. The Sheffield factory, for example, had a thriving archery club whose members were referred to as the ‘Remploy Robin Hoods’. Such clubs also helped create links between neighbouring factories. The Newcastle, Jarrow and Sunderland factories, for example, set-up an inter-factory darts and dominos league. Through such efforts, it is clear that the factories developed important social and recreational opportunities for their employees.

A model Remploy Factory built by the Ministry of Works – The Mansfield Factory 1951 (Remploy News)

Although Remploy would not meet its original lofty goal of providing sheltered employment for all who required it, as successive governments responded to economic and welfare priorities by limiting the reach of the company, it nevertheless became the chief provider of sheltered employment in the post-war period, offering work to thousands of disabled people. Remploy continued to grow and reached its height in the late 1980s with over 9,000 disabled people employed across 94 factories. The focus on sheltered employment in factories was starting to change however. From the very beginning of Remploy, a steady number of employees had continued to move from the factories into open employment. This now became a key aim for Remploy with the launch of Interwork in 1988, a scheme which involved supporting Remploy employees, both old and new, enter into open employment.

With the inclusion of disabled people in open employment becoming a greater priority, Remploy changed to reflect this new aim. Remploy factories began to be closed down and replaced by Remploy branches on the high street. The company focused on providing employment services to support those with disabilities or health conditions seeking mainstream employment, and supporting employers to recruit more disabled employees. The last Remploy Factory was closed on 31 October 2013. A further change occurred when, in April 2015, Remploy left government ownership to begin a new journey under the ownership of MAXIMUS and Remploy employees themselves.

Remploy was a truly pioneering attempt to provide a national scheme of sheltered employment and continued to shape the approach to disability employment provision in Britain. And it all began 75 years ago, with a handful of disabled workers entering a small factory in Bridgend.


About the author: Andy Holroyde recently completed a PhD in History at the University of Huddersfield. Funded by the AHRC through the Heritage Consortium, his thesis examines sheltered employment and disability in the British Welfare State.  Andy’s research continues to focus on sheltered employment and the formation of ‘inclusive economies’, alongside broader interests in the development of ‘pseudo-histories’, and the teaching of History pre-university.

20 responses to “Remploy: 75 years of Remploy Factories

  1. In the 60s we used the Beachley/Aust ferry and am sure there was a Remploy shop or unit fairly near the ferry. Could you confirm this please.
    Best wishes

  2. It has been very interesting reading the history of Remploy I have a set of 1951 Remploy stepladders they’re fantastic they still in the good condition and still work as well as they did the day they were bought by my grandfather I use them on a regular basis they just don’t make things like this anymore I didn’t realise the history of my ladders but now I appreciate them even more knowing that made by Possibly somebody who actually fought for our country and put me in the place that I am now rather than anywhere else help to build them they are so strong reliable and sturdy they just don’t make stuff like this anymore especially out of timber /timber seem to be better than aluminium ones that I Also own and thanks to you you gave our veterans and disabled people less fortunate than myself and people I know a chance in life the struggle back then must’ve been such a burden for themselves and I feel for them but you gave them life you gave them hope and I’m sure they were loyal to your company many thanks for listening and reading this hats off to all the staff all the Employers and employees I tip my hat to you all

  3. Its been so hard to find work since they closed us down most of us have just given up now there have been so many suicided that have been ignored. How can you ask an organisation that hated remploy to give a fair apraisal, you go in and ask a vunerable adult would you like to work somewhere else and eaen a lot of money, of course theyll say yes.

  4. Hi I worked at the Bolton Site we produced Electronic circuits. I miss my job in the factory. We were a family and friends a had a purpose in life. Sadly I have been to many funerals of the people I worked along side. I travelled to London to see the Disability MP. I wonder if anyone has done anything to help disabled workers back into work since factory’s closed? many years ago now.

  5. Did Remploy make wardrobes and if so, would they have had a company sticker on them somewhere. I think I have two of them and am wanting to sell them before I leave the country, however, would like to advertise them for sale as genuine articles if possible. Don’t seem to be able to find much information as to the kind of furniture made at that time.
    Many thanks,
    D. Norris

  6. Very interesting to read that the stories I was told by my Grandmother about how Remploy cared for the disabled, when I was a little girl, were actually true, I applaud them and others like them, I was too young at that time to appreciate that such occupations were needed,

  7. Interesting, I used to work for Remploy as a sewing machinist in Southend. We made rucksacks for the Army.

  8. Many years ago.i.bought a small wheelbarrow which I am sure was made by Remploy. I have used it but unfortunately it is now retired. However i would like to replace it with a similar one & wondered if ‘Remploy’ still produce things like that. I would like to support the disabled if it were possible.

  9. HOW REMPLOY RUINED MY LIFE, It’s about 25 years now since I worked at this place, and I had to leave in the end because of a nervous breakdown, I feel they abused their power, my disability is my co ordination, but the used to take delight in putting me on a high speed production line, they knew that I couldn’t keep up with this high speed conva belt, and they used to stand over me bullying me, I am still on medication for my nerves 25 years later, I could go on, I still feel that people look at REMPLOY through rose colord specticals, even to this day I lack in confidence , I feel it made me have a worse problem in my life throgh Remploy than before I worked at this HORRIBLE place

  10. Hi I have a cardboard box, which is quite unremarkable, other than the fact on the back is a sticker Remploy Ltd, packed by 7A 26 Sep 1952. – the contents, which are no longer in the box, refers to Artillery trailer No. 27. Catch locking for door and ammunition. quantity 3. (my mother used to keep the brushes and black lead in it for the cast iron range

    Who was 7A? where did this person work?

  11. I worked for remploy for over 15 years I loved until the last year working thier until a new manager from Wales remploy took over and made my life hell . I met a great guy from Jarrow remploy but lost contact with which is a great shame ..I used to think managers cared but none would give you a second thought since the closure. ..

  12. Is there (or has anyone thought of starting/setting up) a Museum of genuine Remploy manufactured products from yesteryear? I am the proud possessor of two different and wonderful models of the Thames Sailing Barge ‘Kathleen’ made from Remploy scale model kits. I also have an original boxed kit. Surely there should be a dedicated place where all these sorts of things can be publicly viewed, shared and remembered. Any thoughts?

  13. Does anyone remember Remploy making fishing tackle? If so which factories produced it.

  14. I remember the Remploy factory at Llangeinor. Still have items of my mothers made there in the 1960s

  15. I started working for Remploy with cerebral palsy,
    Arthritis and Degeneration of the spine at The Plymouth factory in 1982 to 2012 I started on the factory floor and this is some of the work I did Crimping of runners for baby gates,Sanding a variety of products,Making boxes for storage of goods and Spraying wood

    I met both of my husband there too my First husband passed away after 13 years. Than about 18 months later I married my second husband and we been together for 24 years

    Than my disability got worse the last 10 year I moved into office My duties included,Updating the client in-house system daily,Responsible for inputting weekly staff hours for payroll, Updating staff holiday and sickness records , Efficient organization of all incoming and outgoing mail and General admin duties including faxing and photocopying.

    I learned so much and gain experience in many areas of work and gain skills through training which my Qualifications are NVQ level 2 in Business Improvement Technique, NVQ level 2 in Administration, ECDL level 2 ,IT Word Processing-RSA level’s 1,2 and 3,IT Spreadsheets-RSA level 2 and IT Presentations-RSA level 2.

    Remploy should’ve never Of closed their doors And a lot of disabled people still on the dole In 2024 of any buggies found out why we still on the dole

  16. Why is it that no mention of one of the Founding members of Remploy, Sir Derrick Hunton Carter is not referenced anywhere for his great achievement in being part of the creation of Remploy. He was Knighted for his work but no record in great detail is to be found on any Internet search.

  17. My late Grandfather Sir Harold Wiles was Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Labour & National Service in the 1940s, and was responsible for drawing up recommendations to help disabled people’s employment. He had been invalided out of the First World War and I believe that this experience was one of the reasons he was allocated this task given the large numbers of service people who were disabled in the Second World War. His report, I am told, was instrumental in the development of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1944 which led to the establishment of Remploy.

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