Hassun El-Zafar @hassunelzafar MIRPUR VR is an immersive experience which shares memories of Kashmir’s Mirpur district before the submersion of hundreds of villages under the Mangla Dam in the 1960s. According to the latest census, 70% of British Pakistanis have a heritage in Mirpur, with many families using compensation to travel to the UK during … Continued

Teaching History Online in Lockdown

George Gosling, University of Wolverhampton @gcgosling What works at any given time is, of course, historically and contextually contingent. So it proved for teaching online during lockdown last time, and so it will prove again. When university teaching in the UK migrated online in March 2020, most of those teaching at universities were completely unprepared … Continued

Turning a 13C Jewish Manuscript into Public History through Comics

Kremena Dimitrova, University of Portsmouth @KremieDimitrova This blog by Kremena Dimitrova was commended in the 2020 SHS Postgraduate Prize. At the end of 2019, I was commissioned by Professor Alex Samely and Dr Stefania Silvestri to work on the 50 Jewish Objects project. The commission involved researching and visually investigating, employing a graphic narrative format, … Continued

On the historical value of ‘bumfodder’ – Loyalty, Memory and Public Opinion in England, 1658-1727

Ted Vallance, University of Roehampton Edward.Vallance@roehampton.ac.uk In a rather pungent outburst, the earl of Lauderdale once told Charles II that loyal addresses were ‘fit for nothing but to wipe his Royal A…’ Until recently, historical opinion on the value of these texts has been no less severe: J. T. Rutt, the editor of Thomas Burton’s … Continued

Tweeting like it’s 1819

John Evans, Free History Project @Live1819 I never expected to have Twitter followers joking that a project rooted firmly in the news of two centuries ago might in fact be parodying events in 2019. ‘Are you sure you are tweeting about 1819?’ asked one, during one of the many moments of acrimonious (probably Brexit) confrontation … Continued